Wax Box

A sustainable hands-on prototyping tool. Drawing in 3D, completely analog.

A technical toy that is inspired partly by the way prototyping and mock-up stages in the design process make use of many environmentally unfriendly materials, such as foams, plastics, polypurple urethane adhesives, and so on.

The rest is an effort to bridge the gap between sketches and the 3D world.

When iterating on a design and exploring different options, the usual process often means going from sketch, to 3D software, to 3D print, and then looping back to the computer for iteration. What if iteration could just be made hands-on, on the spot?

The wax pen, main element in the wax box, prints wax melted at low temperature, controled by the first knob. The end of the pen is covered with a chosen nozzle. You can now draw in 3D.

If unsatisfied with the 3D sculpture, do not throw away. Place it on the cycling module to let it be reshaped into a cylinder and printed, over and over.

This is a personal project I take further depending on free time and funds.

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